
Sunday, November 3, 2013


Tape dispenser photo Tapedispenser_zps6f3d7cb0.jpg
Discarded tape dispenser, Sonoran Desert, Southern Arizona


Macro Monday intro badge photo MM2badgeintrofinal_zps09e45e9a.jpg


Andrea said...

I love that find, it is really nice to walk around on the beach looking for whatever finds!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Amazing how even the desert gathers civilised artefacts. And the result is, the desert context makes them seem so uncivilised. Yet this tape dispenser bows to the artful hands of Nature and becomes an alternative piece of art.

Sara Chapman said...

How graceful. Took me a minute to see what it was, even with the caption. Love the texture and colors.

Ingrid said...

It became now an antique !

Unknown said...

It looks very interesting, but I do wish that people wouldn't throw their trash out in nature.

Our photos said...

Beautiful photo!
Greetings, RW & SK

Katrin Klink said...

Love it! Perfect shape, texture and light ...

Anonymous said...

Wonderful find. It's amazing how discarded objects sometimes become one with nature.

Gail Dixon said...

Interesting that it's starting to take on the likeness of the desert.

Nonnie said...

your photo contributions often lead to my asking questions. have you noticed that? lol
so, my question: is this tape dispenser made of metal? I agree with Gunilla about people throwing trash wherever, but isn't this piece of trash an interesting piece of art, thanks to Mother Nature? well done, eagle-eyed one!